Registered Massage therapy is a treatment in which the soft tissues of the body are maneuvered to release pain and tension. This includes muscles, tendons, connective tissues, joints and ligaments. It is clinically proven to alleviate the strains associated with daily stress, pulled muscles, occupational pains and various chronic conditions. Our Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) use their specialized hands-on training and studies in anatomy and physiology to apply traditional and modern massage techniques to treat our clients.
Here at Riverside Therapeutics, we use massage therapy to treat both chronic and acute conditions, such as shoulder and neck tension, headaches, soft-tissue sprains, spinal pain and sports injury. It can also be included as part of your regular routine of preventative health measures.
For the health and safety of our patients, massage therapy at our clinic is administered by a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) at all times.
Our services include rehabilitative & relaxation massage therapies as well as RAPID NeuroFascial Reset. Massage therapy is offered in 30 minute, 45 minute, 60 minute and 75 minute sessions.